n347= if ($exists(%temp) = $true) { run %temp | halt }
n348= else run $$dir="Choose a file" \
n352=.Survival: {
n353= sound survival.wav
n354= quit $stripchk(4it's all about survival...)
n356=.Angel: {
n357= sound angel.wav
n358= quit $stripchk(4sleeping with an angel...4)
n360=.Wormhole!: { quit $stripchk(4Surfing the wormhole...blasting the blackhole...fucking it all up!) }
n361=.F--- The World!: {
n362= sound F---TheWorld.Wav
n363= quit $stripchk(4I woke up and screamed FUCK THE WORLD!)
n366=Fun Stuff?
n367=.Ascii Stuff
n368=..Cat:/play $mircdir\text\cat.txt 0
n369=..Lion:/play $mircdir\text\lion.txt 0
n370=..Train:/play $mircdir\text\train.txt 0
n372=..Vengeance:/say $stripchk(There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "4The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.) | /say $stripchk(4And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.")
n373=..Friday:/say $stripchk(12I know you don't smoke 3weed12, but I'm gonna get you 6high12 today, because it's 4Friday12, you ain't got a 3job12, and you ain't got 5shit12 to do.
n374=..Dr. Pulp:/say $stripchk(I would not eat 12Royale with Cheese, So do not even ask me, 10please. I won't eat 11fries and mayonnaise, would not touch them 10anyways. I would not drink 13five-dollar shake, 'Cause it gives me a 10tummy-ache. If I snort some 6uncut smack, Blood and mucous I will 10yak. "Why don't you eat 2pork?" you whine, It's just 'cause I don't dig on 10swine. Would you could you with a 7shrimp?) | /say $stripchk(Would you could you with the 10Gimp? I would not do so, but instead, I think I'll 4blow off Marvin's 14head.)
n375=..&Fox Force Five:/say $stripchk(Three 4tomatoes are walking down the street, a poppa 4tomato, a momma 4tomato, and a little baby 04tomato. The baby 4tomato is lagging behind the poppa and momma 4tomato. The poppa 4tomato gets mad, goes over to the momma 4tomato and stamps on him --(STAMPS on the ground)-- and says: 4catch up.
n376=..L.A. Rights:/say $stripchk(4Yeah man, we're 12cool4. One thing I ask -- two things I ask: don't tell nobody about this. This shit's between me and you and the soon-to-be-livin'-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonizing-pain, Mr. Rapist here. It ain't nobody else's business. Two: leave town. Tonight. Right now. And when you're gone, stay gone. You've lost your Los Angeles privileges. Deal?
n377=..What now?:/say $stripchk(What now? Well let me tell you what now. I'm gonna call a couple pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.
n378=..Medieval:/say $stripchk(You sendin' The Wolf? Shit 5Negro, that's all you had to say. Hear me talkin' hillbilly 12boy?! I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'm gonna git Medieval on your ass.
n379=..McDonalds:/say $stripchk(052 all beef patties, 7some kind of sauce. la la la la la. 10Pickles and 4onions and some other stuff too. 14woo woo woo woo woo, I got it!
n380=..Royal:/say $stripchk(<VINCENT> Well, in Amsterdam, you can buy 5beer in a 12movie theatre. And I don't mean in a paper cup either. They give you a glass of beer, like in a bar. In Paris, you can buy beer at 4Mac7Donald's. Also, you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? <JULES> They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?) | /say $stripchk(<VINCENT> No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is. <JULES> What'd they call it? <VINCENT> 2Royale with Cheese.)
n382=..Kyler: {
n383= say $stripchk(2á__áá__áááá3ááá4áááá___áááá5áááááááá6ááááá7á__)
n384= say $stripchk(2/\á\/\á\ááá3áááá4áá/\_á\ááá5ááááááá6ááááá7á/\á\)
n385= say $stripchk(2\á\á\/'/ááá3__áá_4_\//\á\áá5áááá__á6áá_á__7\á\á\)
n386= say $stripchk(2 \á\á,á<,_3/\á\/\á\4á\á\á\á5áá/'__`\6/\`'__7\á\á\)
n387= say $stripchk(2áá\á\á\'\3á\á\á\_\á\4á\_\á\_5/\áá__/6\á\á\/á7\á\_\)
n388= say $stripchk(2ááá\á\_\á\3_\/`____á\4/\____\5á\____\6\á\_\áá7\/\_\)
n389= say $stripchk(2áááá\/_/\/_/3`/___/>á\4/____/5\/____/á6\/_/ááá7\/_/)
n390= say $stripchk(2ááááááááááááá3áá/\___/)
n391= say $stripchk(2áááááááááááááá3á\/__/á)
n392= say (c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions
n393= halt
n395=..Astral:/say $stripchk(asòtral 14(as┤tr≡l) adj. 1. Of or pertaining to, coming from, or like the stars; starry. 2. Of or designating a supposedly supernatural substance. --n. An astral body. [<LL <L <Gk. astron star] --as┤tralòly adv.)
n396=..Surreal:/say $stripchk(suròreòalòism 14(s≡ rΩ┤≡ liz'm) n. [Fr. surrΘalisme: see SUR-╣ & REALISM] a modern movement in art and literature, in which an attempt is made to portray or interpret the workings of the unconscious mind as manifested in dreams: it is characterized by an irrational, noncontextual arrangement or material --suròre┤al, suròre┤alòis┤tic adj. --suròre┤alòist adj., n. --suròre┤alòis┤ticalòly adv.)
n397=..Webrunner:/say $stripchk( [ < $+ [ $me ] $+ > ] Webrunner???? IS THAT LIKE A freakin 4SPIDER or something? What kind of name is 12Webrunner??) | /say $stripchk(<Webrunner> A very 12good name kapich?) See dat @ by it? dat means its good!
n398=..Dopefish:/say $stripchk(He da FISH he da FISH.. he da dope dope dope FISH)
n399=..JusTisE:/say $stripchk(I DEMAND JUSTISE 4I DEMAND YOU TO SHUT UP)
n400=..KingKurly:/say $stripchk(... i understand the 7King part, but WHAT THE 4HELL IS A 12KURLY??)
n402=..Rotate:/play $mircdir\text\rotate.txt 0
n403=..Sux:/me thinks that $$1 is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked
n404=..Sculpt:/me $stripchk(throws a 2wire sculpture at [ $$1 ] )
n405=..Rainbow slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $+ [ $$1 ] $+ ] around a bit with a large 4r5a6i7n3b1o10w 11t12r13o14u2t)
n406=..Slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $$1 ] with a nasty law suit.)
n412=..Slam:/me $stripchk(slams a 60 lb unix manual on [ 2 $+ [ $$1 ] $+ 's ] head. That gotta hurt... but then again... where there's no sense... there's no feeling!)
n414=..w00p:/play $mircdir\text\woop.txt 0
n415=..Takeover:/say $stripchk(My thoughts: I don't get why SuRReal did this. He was realy cool, and helped me alot. When my page got erased, he had a backup on his computer. And he also edited some graphics for me. I hope he relizes that if he used a different method to get his point across it might have worked, but regretfully, he must be banned. cted. - Some guy named KyLeR.) | /say $stripchk((c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions)
n416=..Part:/me $stripchk(parts the 5flames that engulf the door with a swift hand gesture, walks toword the huge iron door with a marble frame, as the door opens, $+ [ $me ] passes through. The door disappears...) | /part #
n418=..Blues:/me $stripchk(gots dee 12irc blues..yea i gots dee 12irc blues...dada da da...started dis channel... dada da da... as u can see.. dada da da..sum lamah took it ova...dada da da...it's plain ta me...dada da da...gunna catch me a net split...wid unix 'n me...dada da da...and collide dat mudda...dada da da...yes sir ree...dada da da...an kick, ban, an deop em'...dada da da...dats dee plan...dada da da...so, i hopes ya undastan'.. i gots dee 12blues... yea yea)
n156= if ($exists(%temp) = $true) { run %temp | halt }
n157= else run $$dir="Choose a file" \
n161=.Survival: {
n162= sound survival.wav
n163= quit $stripchk(4it's all about survival...)
n165=.Angel: {
n166= sound angel.wav
n167= quit $stripchk(4sleeping with an angel...4)
n169=.Wormhole!: { quit $stripchk(4Surfing the wormhole...blasting the blackhole...fucking it all up!) }
n170=.F--- The World!: {
n171= sound F---TheWorld.Wav
n172= quit $stripchk(4I woke up and screamed FUCK THE WORLD!)
n175=Fun Stuff?
n176=.Ascii Stuff
n177=..Cat:/play $mircdir\text\cat.txt 0
n178=..Lion:/play $mircdir\text\lion.txt 0
n179=..Train:/play $mircdir\text\train.txt 0
n181=..Vengeance:/say $stripchk(There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "4The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.) | /say $stripchk(4And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.")
n182=..Friday:/say $stripchk(12I know you don't smoke 3weed12, but I'm gonna get you 6high12 today, because it's 4Friday12, you ain't got a 3job12, and you ain't got 5shit12 to do.
n183=..Dr. Pulp:/say $stripchk(I would not eat 12Royale with Cheese, So do not even ask me, 10please. I won't eat 11fries and mayonnaise, would not touch them 10anyways. I would not drink 13five-dollar shake, 'Cause it gives me a 10tummy-ache. If I snort some 6uncut smack, Blood and mucous I will 10yak. "Why don't you eat 2pork?" you whine, It's just 'cause I don't dig on 10swine. Would you could you with a 7shrimp?) | /say $stripchk(Would you could you with the 10Gimp? I would not do so, but instead, I think I'll 4blow off Marvin's 14head.)
n184=..&Fox Force Five:/say $stripchk(Three 4tomatoes are walking down the street, a poppa 4tomato, a momma 4tomato, and a little baby 04tomato. The baby 4tomato is lagging behind the poppa and momma 4tomato. The poppa 4tomato gets mad, goes over to the momma 4tomato and stamps on him --(STAMPS on the ground)-- and says: 4catch up.
n185=..L.A. Rights:/say $stripchk(4Yeah man, we're 12cool4. One thing I ask -- two things I ask: don't tell nobody about this. This shit's between me and you and the soon-to-be-livin'-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonizing-pain, Mr. Rapist here. It ain't nobody else's business. Two: leave town. Tonight. Right now. And when you're gone, stay gone. You've lost your Los Angeles privileges. Deal?
n186=..What now?:/say $stripchk(What now? Well let me tell you what now. I'm gonna call a couple pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.
n187=..Medieval:/say $stripchk(You sendin' The Wolf? Shit 5Negro, that's all you had to say. Hear me talkin' hillbilly 12boy?! I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'm gonna git Medieval on your ass.
n188=..McDonalds:/say $stripchk(052 all beef patties, 7some kind of sauce. la la la la la. 10Pickles and 4onions and some other stuff too. 14woo woo woo woo woo, I got it!
n189=..Royal:/say $stripchk(<VINCENT> Well, in Amsterdam, you can buy 5beer in a 12movie theatre. And I don't mean in a paper cup either. They give you a glass of beer, like in a bar. In Paris, you can buy beer at 4Mac7Donald's. Also, you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? <JULES> They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?) | /say $stripchk(<VINCENT> No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is. <JULES> What'd they call it? <VINCENT> 2Royale with Cheese.)
n191=..Kyler: {
n192= say $stripchk(2á__áá__áááá3ááá4áááá___áááá5áááááááá6ááááá7á__)
n193= say $stripchk(2/\á\/\á\ááá3áááá4áá/\_á\ááá5ááááááá6ááááá7á/\á\)
n194= say $stripchk(2\á\á\/'/ááá3__áá_4_\//\á\áá5áááá__á6áá_á__7\á\á\)
n195= say $stripchk(2 \á\á,á<,_3/\á\/\á\4á\á\á\á5áá/'__`\6/\`'__7\á\á\)
n196= say $stripchk(2áá\á\á\'\3á\á\á\_\á\4á\_\á\_5/\áá__/6\á\á\/á7\á\_\)
n197= say $stripchk(2ááá\á\_\á\3_\/`____á\4/\____\5á\____\6\á\_\áá7\/\_\)
n198= say $stripchk(2áááá\/_/\/_/3`/___/>á\4/____/5\/____/á6\/_/ááá7\/_/)
n199= say $stripchk(2ááááááááááááá3áá/\___/)
n200= say $stripchk(2áááááááááááááá3á\/__/á)
n201= say (c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions
n202= halt
n204=..Astral:/say $stripchk(asòtral 14(as┤tr≡l) adj. 1. Of or pertaining to, coming from, or like the stars; starry. 2. Of or designating a supposedly supernatural substance. --n. An astral body. [<LL <L <Gk. astron star] --as┤tralòly adv.)
n205=..Surreal:/say $stripchk(suròreòalòism 14(s≡ rΩ┤≡ liz'm) n. [Fr. surrΘalisme: see SUR-╣ & REALISM] a modern movement in art and literature, in which an attempt is made to portray or interpret the workings of the unconscious mind as manifested in dreams: it is characterized by an irrational, noncontextual arrangement or material --suròre┤al, suròre┤alòis┤tic adj. --suròre┤alòist adj., n. --suròre┤alòis┤ticalòly adv.)
n206=..Webrunner:/say $stripchk( [ < $+ [ $me ] $+ > ] Webrunner???? IS THAT LIKE A freakin 4SPIDER or something? What kind of name is 12Webrunner??) | /say $stripchk(<Webrunner> A very 12good name kapich?) See dat @ by it? dat means its good!
n207=..Dopefish:/say $stripchk(He da FISH he da FISH.. he da dope dope dope FISH)
n208=..JusTisE:/say $stripchk(I DEMAND JUSTISE 4I DEMAND YOU TO SHUT UP)
n209=..KingKurly:/say $stripchk(... i understand the 7King part, but WHAT THE 4HELL IS A 12KURLY??)
n211=..Rotate:/play $mircdir\text\rotate.txt 0
n212=..Sux:/me thinks that $$?="Enter Nickname:" is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked
n213=..Sculpt:/me $stripchk(throws a 2wire sculpture at [ $$?="Enter Nickname:" ] )
n214=..Rainbow slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $+ [ $$?="Enter Nickname:" ] $+ ] around a bit with a large 4r5a6i7n3b1o10w 11t12r13o14u2t)
n215=..Slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $$?="Enter Nickname:" ] with a nasty law suit.)
n221=..Slam:/me $stripchk(slams a 60 lb unix manual on [ 2 $+ [ $$?="Enter Nickname:" ] $+ 's ] head. That gotta hurt... but then again... where there's no sense... there's no feeling!)
n223=..w00p:/play $mircdir\text\woop.txt 0
n224=..Takeover:/say $stripchk(My thoughts: I don't get why SuRReal did this. He was realy cool, and helped me alot. When my page got erased, he had a backup on his computer. And he also edited some graphics for me. I hope he relizes that if he used a different method to get his point across it might have worked, but regretfully, he must be banned. cted. - Some guy named KyLeR.) | /say $stripchk((c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions)
n225=..Part:/me $stripchk(parts the 5flames that engulf the door with a swift hand gesture, walks toword the huge iron door with a marble frame, as the door opens, $+ [ $me ] passes through. The door disappears...) | /part #
n227=..Blues:/me $stripchk(gots dee 12irc blues..yea i gots dee 12irc blues...dada da da...started dis channel... dada da da... as u can see.. dada da da..sum lamah took it ova...dada da da...it's plain ta me...dada da da...gunna catch me a net split...wid unix 'n me...dada da da...and collide dat mudda...dada da da...yes sir ree...dada da da...an kick, ban, an deop em'...dada da da...dats dee plan...dada da da...so, i hopes ya undastan'.. i gots dee 12blues... yea yea)
n316= if ($exists(%temp) = $true) { run %temp | halt }
n317= else run $$dir="Choose a file" \
n321=.Survival: {
n322= sound survival.wav
n323= quit $stripchk(4it's all about survival...)
n325=.Angel: {
n326= sound angel.wav
n327= quit $stripchk(4sleeping with an angel...4)
n329=.Wormhole!: { quit $stripchk(4Surfing the wormhole...blasting the blackhole...fucking it all up!) }
n330=.F--- The World!: {
n331= sound F---TheWorld.Wav
n332= quit $stripchk(4I woke up and screamed FUCK THE WORLD!)
n335=Fun Stuff?
n336=.Ascii Stuff
n337=..Cat:/play $mircdir\text\cat.txt 0
n338=..Lion:/play $mircdir\text\lion.txt 0
n339=..Train:/play $mircdir\text\train.txt 0
n341=..Vengeance:/say $stripchk(There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "4The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.) | /say $stripchk(4And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.")
n342=..Friday:/say $stripchk(12I know you don't smoke 3weed12, but I'm gonna get you 6high12 today, because it's 4Friday12, you ain't got a 3job12, and you ain't got 5shit12 to do.
n343=..Dr. Pulp:/say $stripchk(I would not eat 12Royale with Cheese, So do not even ask me, 10please. I won't eat 11fries and mayonnaise, would not touch them 10anyways. I would not drink 13five-dollar shake, 'Cause it gives me a 10tummy-ache. If I snort some 6uncut smack, Blood and mucous I will 10yak. "Why don't you eat 2pork?" you whine, It's just 'cause I don't dig on 10swine. Would you could you with a 7shrimp?) | /say $stripchk(Would you could you with the 10Gimp? I would not do so, but instead, I think I'll 4blow off Marvin's 14head.)
n344=..&Fox Force Five:/say $stripchk(Three 4tomatoes are walking down the street, a poppa 4tomato, a momma 4tomato, and a little baby 04tomato. The baby 4tomato is lagging behind the poppa and momma 4tomato. The poppa 4tomato gets mad, goes over to the momma 4tomato and stamps on him --(STAMPS on the ground)-- and says: 4catch up.
n345=..L.A. Rights:/say $stripchk(4Yeah man, we're 12cool4. One thing I ask -- two things I ask: don't tell nobody about this. This shit's between me and you and the soon-to-be-livin'-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonizing-pain, Mr. Rapist here. It ain't nobody else's business. Two: leave town. Tonight. Right now. And when you're gone, stay gone. You've lost your Los Angeles privileges. Deal?
n346=..What now?:/say $stripchk(What now? Well let me tell you what now. I'm gonna call a couple pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.
n347=..Medieval:/say $stripchk(You sendin' The Wolf? Shit 5Negro, that's all you had to say. Hear me talkin' hillbilly 12boy?! I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'm gonna git Medieval on your ass.
n348=..McDonalds:/say $stripchk(052 all beef patties, 7some kind of sauce. la la la la la. 10Pickles and 4onions and some other stuff too. 14woo woo woo woo woo, I got it!
n349=..Royal:/say $stripchk(<VINCENT> Well, in Amsterdam, you can buy 5beer in a 12movie theatre. And I don't mean in a paper cup either. They give you a glass of beer, like in a bar. In Paris, you can buy beer at 4Mac7Donald's. Also, you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? <JULES> They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?) | /say $stripchk(<VINCENT> No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is. <JULES> What'd they call it? <VINCENT> 2Royale with Cheese.)
n351=..Kyler: {
n352= say $stripchk(2á__áá__áááá3ááá4áááá___áááá5áááááááá6ááááá7á__)
n353= say $stripchk(2/\á\/\á\ááá3áááá4áá/\_á\ááá5ááááááá6ááááá7á/\á\)
n354= say $stripchk(2\á\á\/'/ááá3__áá_4_\//\á\áá5áááá__á6áá_á__7\á\á\)
n355= say $stripchk(2 \á\á,á<,_3/\á\/\á\4á\á\á\á5áá/'__`\6/\`'__7\á\á\)
n356= say $stripchk(2áá\á\á\'\3á\á\á\_\á\4á\_\á\_5/\áá__/6\á\á\/á7\á\_\)
n357= say $stripchk(2ááá\á\_\á\3_\/`____á\4/\____\5á\____\6\á\_\áá7\/\_\)
n358= say $stripchk(2áááá\/_/\/_/3`/___/>á\4/____/5\/____/á6\/_/ááá7\/_/)
n359= say $stripchk(2ááááááááááááá3áá/\___/)
n360= say $stripchk(2áááááááááááááá3á\/__/á)
n361= say (c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions
n362= halt
n364=..Astral:/say $stripchk(asòtral 14(as┤tr≡l) adj. 1. Of or pertaining to, coming from, or like the stars; starry. 2. Of or designating a supposedly supernatural substance. --n. An astral body. [<LL <L <Gk. astron star] --as┤tralòly adv.)
n365=..Surreal:/say $stripchk(suròreòalòism 14(s≡ rΩ┤≡ liz'm) n. [Fr. surrΘalisme: see SUR-╣ & REALISM] a modern movement in art and literature, in which an attempt is made to portray or interpret the workings of the unconscious mind as manifested in dreams: it is characterized by an irrational, noncontextual arrangement or material --suròre┤al, suròre┤alòis┤tic adj. --suròre┤alòist adj., n. --suròre┤alòis┤ticalòly adv.)
n366=..Webrunner:/say $stripchk( [ < $+ [ $me ] $+ > ] Webrunner???? IS THAT LIKE A freakin 4SPIDER or something? What kind of name is 12Webrunner??) | /say $stripchk(<Webrunner> A very 12good name kapich?) See dat @ by it? dat means its good!
n367=..Dopefish:/say $stripchk(He da FISH he da FISH.. he da dope dope dope FISH)
n368=..JusTisE:/say $stripchk(I DEMAND JUSTISE 4I DEMAND YOU TO SHUT UP)
n369=..KingKurly:/say $stripchk(... i understand the 7King part, but WHAT THE 4HELL IS A 12KURLY??)
n371=..Rotate:/play $mircdir\text\rotate.txt 0
n372=..Sux:/me thinks that $$1 is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked
n373=..Sculpt:/me $stripchk(throws a 2wire sculpture at [ $$1 ] )
n374=..Rainbow slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $+ [ $$1 ] $+ ] around a bit with a large 4r5a6i7n3b1o10w 11t12r13o14u2t)
n375=..Slap:/me $stripchk(slaps [ $$1 ] with a nasty law suit.)
n381=..Slam:/me $stripchk(slams a 60 lb unix manual on [ 2 $+ [ $$1 ] $+ 's ] head. That gotta hurt... but then again... where there's no sense... there's no feeling!)
n383=..w00p:/play $mircdir\text\woop.txt 0
n384=..Takeover:/say $stripchk(My thoughts: I don't get why SuRReal did this. He was realy cool, and helped me alot. When my page got erased, he had a backup on his computer. And he also edited some graphics for me. I hope he relizes that if he used a different method to get his point across it might have worked, but regretfully, he must be banned. cted. - Some guy named KyLeR.) | /say $stripchk((c) Copyright 1996 NewView Productions)
n385=..Part:/me $stripchk(parts the 5flames that engulf the door with a swift hand gesture, walks toword the huge iron door with a marble frame, as the door opens, $+ [ $me ] passes through. The door disappears...) | /part #
n387=..Blues:/me $stripchk(gots dee 12irc blues..yea i gots dee 12irc blues...dada da da...started dis channel... dada da da... as u can see.. dada da da..sum lamah took it ova...dada da da...it's plain ta me...dada da da...gunna catch me a net split...wid unix 'n me...dada da da...and collide dat mudda...dada da da...yes sir ree...dada da da...an kick, ban, an deop em'...dada da da...dats dee plan...dada da da...so, i hopes ya undastan'.. i gots dee 12blues... yea yea)